New Jersey League for Nursing

Call for Nominations

NJLN Call for Nominations for the 2025 Election

 2025 NJLN Executive Committee, Board of Directors and Nomination Committee  

The New Jersey League for Nursing (NJLN) is seeking nominations for the term beginning March 27, 2025 for the following positions:

Executive Committee

  • Treasurer

Board of Directors

  • Four (4) Positions

Nomination Committee

  • Four (4) Positions

If you are interested in a position or would like to nominate an individual, please review the following information and complete and submit the form through the link below no later than Friday, December 20, 2024.


  • The NJLN Treasurer position is a 3-year term beginning March 2025 through 2028.
  • The NJLN Board of Directors position is a 3-year term beginning March 25 through March 2028.
  • The Nomination Committee position is a 1-year term from March 2025 through March 2026.
  • Upon submission of interest through the form link below, the potential candidate will be contacted by the NJLN Nomination Committee.
  • The qualified slate of nominated candidates will be presented to the NJLN membership in good standing for the 2025 election. The election will be conducted through an electronic ballot where the results will be announced at the Annual NJLN Business Meeting on March 27, 2025, during the 2025 NJLN Convention at Harrah’s Resort in Atlantic City, New Jersey. 


NJLN Executive Committee Position: Treasurer

The Treasurer shall have the custody of all funds and securities of the Constituent League. The Treasurer shall be bonded in such amounts as determined by the Board upon recommendations of the Finance Committee. The Treasurer may endorse, for collection on behalf of the Constituent League, checks, notes, and other orders or obligations for the payment of money. The Treasurer shall have general responsibility for seeing that funds of the Constituent League are deposited to its credit in such banks as the Board may designate. The Treasurer shall see that only such bills as have been approved or otherwise authorized by the Board or designee are paid. The Treasurer shall see that full and accurate accounts are kept and audited annually by an internal auditing committee or by a certified public accountant and shall make a financial report to the Board at the regular meetings and to the membership at the annual meeting. The Treasurer shall perform such other duties as may be assigned by the Board.

Term – The Treasurer shall be elected to serve for a term of three (3) years following the close of the annual meeting. No person shall be elected to serve for more than two consecutive terms in the office of Treasurer.


NJLN Board of Directors Position

Description and Duties – All the powers of the New Jersey League for Nursing (NJLN) are vested in and shall be exercised by the Board unless otherwise prescribed by statute or the bylaws. The Board shall oversee and direct all the affairs of the NJLN. They shall employ officers, managers, agents and employees, as applicable, and confer upon those duties and powers that they deem advisable.  Each Board of Director member will be required to attend Regular and Special Meetings.   A minimum of four regular meetings of the Board shall be held each year, and Special meetings of the Board shall be called by the Secretary at the written request of the President or of a quorum of the Board specifying the purpose of such meeting.

Term – Board of Directors shall be elected for a three (3) year term following the close of the annual meeting. The Board of Director position may serve for two (2) consecutive terms if elected by the voting membership.

NJLN Nomination Committee Position

Description and Duties The Nominations Committee shall consist of five members, which shall include four individual members of the New Jersey League for Nursing (NJLN) elected at the annual meeting and one Director appointed by the Board. The members of the Nominations Committee shall serve one-year terms. The Director appointed by the Board shall chair the Nominations Committee.

This committee shall be advisory to the Board on all matters relating to Board development. The committee shall prepare and present a report to the Secretary on such date as the Board may approve. The report shall set forth a slate of candidates, consisting of at least two candidates for each position eligible for election at the upcoming annual meeting and shall set forth the procedures followed by the committee. The committee shall solicit nominations for all officers, member directors, and members of the subsequent year's Nominations Committee that are eligible for election at the upcoming annual meeting. The committee shall seek nominations from individual members, and individual self-nomination for individuals having knowledge of Board operations and an understanding of competencies required. The slate shall contain candidates who are individual members in the NJLN reflecting the broad membership of the NJLN. Members of the Nominations Committee are not eligible for election to any position with the NJLN during their term on the Nominations Committee. Upon approval by the Board of the procedures followed by the committee, the slate shall be published and set forth in the ballots to be submitted to the members of the NJLN for voting.

Term – Nomination Committee shall be elected for one (1) year term following the close of the annual meeting.  The Nomination Committee position may serve for two (2) consecutive terms if elected by the voting membership.


Any individual who is a current member of the NJLN may be nominated to be considered to run for an elected position, per the bylaws.


  1. Interested parties should notify the NJLN Nomination Committee of their interest no later than Friday, December 20, 2024 by completing and submitting the form.
  2. The NJLN Nomination Committee will review each candidate for their eligibility.
  3. The committee will review the candidates for applicable experience, leadership, and other desired attributes, and make the selection based on the most qualified candidates to be on the ballot. Candidates not selected will be notified.
  4. Voting will be conducted electronically.
  5. The results will be tallied and announced to the membership during the 2025 Annual Business Meeting on Thursday, March 27, 2025 at the 2025 NJLN Convention held in Atlantic City, New Jersey.


If you are interested in submitting a nomination for a position complete and submit the form. The information required to be provided is as follows. Submissions must be made through the link below.

  1. Nominee Contact information: Name, credentials, email, and phone number
  2. Interested Position: Treasurer, Board of Directors, Nomination Committee
  3. Include a Short Biographical Summary and Resume  
  4. Person submitting Nomination – Self, or if you are nominating another individual, please provide your name and contact information, and indicate if they are aware that they have been nominated
  5. Be a NJLN member in good standing – To join click here.  
  6. Submit nomination no later than Friday, December 20, 2024.

If you have further questions, please contact the NJLN Nomination Committee:, or call the NJLN Office: 908-789-3398.

Nominate for a Position